Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fall Makeover Series - Toppik

There is really no better time than autumn for a drastic makeover. If you have to head back to school or back to work after carefree summer holidays, you might as well head back with a bang! Join us each day this week as we feature five best-selling products that can help you achieve your perfect new look. 

Toppik has been a long-time bestseller here at Fabove, and with good reason - it works! Made of organic Keratin fibers that merge undetectably with the hair already on your scalp, it's the perfect hair loss quick fix. You'll have thicker-looking, fuller hair in just seconds without having to spend months applying treatments. It's a makeover must-have for anyone with thinning hair.

We have many clients who have been loyally using the Toppik brand for years and reviews often comment on how easy it is to use and how natural it looks. Thicker-looking hair not only makes you look years longer, it also makes styling easier. Apply the fibers, then style with gel or hair spray. The Toppik fibers bond securely and stay in place even in strong winds and rain.

Toppik is sold in three different sizes and is available in several colors. A color chart is available on our website.


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