There is really no better time than autumn for a drastic makeover. If you have to head back to school or back to work after carefree summer holidays, you might as well head back with a bang! Join us each day this week as we feature five best-selling products that can help you achieve your perfect new look.
An at-home treatment designed to ease frizz and loosen curls, Liquid Keratin does not contain harmful ingredients like formaldehyde (see more information here). It is extremely easy to use and results can be seen after the very first application, leaving you with soft, shiny, healthy-looking hair for as long as 30 days.
For best results, we recommend customers begin with the Liquid Keratin 30 Day treatment starter kit or the BOLD 30 Day treatment starter kit ... but the shampoo, conditioner, serum and treatment are also sold individually.
We're glad to announce that we now have all Liquid Keratin products back in stock, just in time for your fall makeover! Visit our website or speak to one of our Customer Service team members for more information or to place an order.
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