Friday, June 4, 2010

What People Are Saying ....

... About the Marpac Dual-Speed SleepMate 980A !!!

We often joke about getting "beauty sleep" but studies show that getting a good night's sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages. Not only does sleep deprivation leave you feeling groggy and less than your best, but according to the Harvard Medical School's Health Publication, it can increase your risk for several chronic health problems.

So what do you do if your neighbor's music is keeping you up into the wee hours of the morning or if your newborn baby can't sleep through the night? Undoubtedly one of our store's best-selling products, customer reviews show that this simple white noise machine is effective and beneficial for all kinds of sleep problems. But don't take our word for it ... here are some true customer stories ...

Sarah* and her husband purchased a Marpac for their newborn's nursery. They found the Marpac softened background noises, making it easier for their little one to fall asleep. The soothing white noise sound helps their baby sleep longer, meaning Sarah and her husband get a better night's sleep as well!

Jennifer lives in an apartment. The elderly woman in the apartment below is hearing-impaired and listens to the radio and television very loudly. The noise was traveling into Jennifer's apartment, making it difficult for her to relax and unwind. Jennifer purchased a Marpac and found it helped block the unwanted noise out.

Dan lives in a condo on a very busy street. The sound of cars zooming by and people having conversations beneath his window was making it impossible for him to get a good night's sleep. Dan finds the Marpac helps block out the sounds of traffic and is extremely satisfied with the product.

If you own a Marpac, we would love to hear about your experiences! Post your thoughts here or leave a review on our website.

*All names have been changed to protect customer privacy.


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